Diamond Dawn transforms into STREAMLINE

Today we're very proud to present to you, the next step in the career of this band! We will from now on be known as Streamline.

As you know there's been some changes in the band, and lately we've had the time and opportunity to figure out more exactly what we want to do with this crazy rock n roll thing!

In order to head into the future 100 % confident about what we are and what we do, we feel like this is the change we need! As we've mentioned before we're the same band, with the same musical legacy, only it is all just getting better and better! We hope that you believe so too, otherwise let us prove it to you!

You, the fans and friends, are the ones that have always believed in this band and we can't thank you enough. We want to be the best we can possibly be for you guys and therefore this is something we do for all of us! This is not the end of anything but it is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of this band. We bet you wanna be part of that!
Yours truly

Olle, Mike, Niklas, Effy, Jhonny